President Barack Obama to Fingertalk: "Keep up the good work!"

Wednesday, 7 September 2016 would be a date I always remember. As I nervously held my passport, waiting for my turn to pass the security, I prayed in my heart that I would get picked to sit behind the stage of YSEALI Summit Town Hall, so that my face would be seen behind President Obama while he was talking. So that I would be in a same frame as POTUS, and so that I could show my parents at home. I was hoping to make them proud. Embracing my West Sumatran roots that day with traditional "Songket" Unfortunately, I was not selected. The town hall staff, some are from The White House, escorted me to the audience seats. My disappointment suddenly changed to a wide smile. I quickly realized that I got to sit at the front row, right in front of the stage! I would just be couple meters away from President Obama himself! From that moment, I continued my prayers, but this time I was hoping for The White House staff to not change her mind and escort me out of my seat. That...