VPOTUS Mike Pence to YSEALI: Make a difference, Don't wait to be asked

For the first time ever, Donald Trump’s sidekick, the current Vice President of the United States of America visited Indonesia. During his brief visit, he decided to meet with 23 YSEALI alumnae for a brief session, and I was one of them. Yes, it was unexpected. I was one of the four panelists who were chosen to represent the program, and no.. I was not there on behalf of just the Indonesian Alumni, I was there on behalf of the whole YSEALI alumnae in ASEAN. We were also the very first youth groups of US State Dept youth exchange programs that current administration met. So, we needed to tell VPOTUS that youth exchange program matters and create a difference in our lives. We were there to be the voices of the youths of Asia, Africa and the world.. and each one of us only had 1 minute. It may sound dramatic, but it kinda was. When the US Embassy told me that VP is coming to Indonesia and going to meet YSEALI alumnae, I was really impressed. I know that he is ...