The Tale of Different Timezones

Some people were curious on how I met my husband. After reading Hijrah’s post on how we met (follow his Instagram @hijrah25) I suddenly remember the episode in our relationship when we were constantly living in different time zones and different continents for couple months. Before Hijrah went to United States, I had a chance to go to New Zealand for the prestigious YBLI program, alhamdulillah. Unfortunate for me, Hijrah had his birthday three days after I left Indonesia. However, being in the very south of the world, I got to celebrate his birthday quite early. Easily, I was the first birthday wisher, six hours earlier than anyone else, all the way from the land of the long white cloud. As you can tell, I am pretty proud of that ;) Then I went around Wellington and Christchurch, while Hijrah was in Banda Aceh preparing for his exciting adventure. Hijrah then went off to Washington D.C for the prestigious YSEALI program. Through my mum and brother who sent him...