How accessible is Beppu for travelers with special needs?

My dad had stroke 7 years ago, and still is on his way to recover, so he needs cane to support him walking. I am currently in my last month of pregnancy so I may not be able to walk too long, climbing stairs and have to use the restroom frequently (yes, no shame!) . Two of us travelled together with 7 other members of my family, including my husband, for a week around Beppu and Yufuin. My parents, my brothers and my sister in law flew from Indonesia to visit us here. So we planned everything accordingly. However, over the course of one week, we experienced traveling in a whole different level. The visit of my family gets me to think, how accessible Beppu really is for people with special needs. 1. Accessible Toilet - Location matters! Sometimes when we think of travelers with special needs or with disability, we tend to think of ramp and accessibility for wheelchair users. However, after traveling with my dad, I realize it is more than that. My dad walks using cane, thus ...