Latest Obsession: Postcards!
4 years in Japan gave me chances to explore another side of the world, meet amazing people and learn beautiful languages. I even started a traveling blog for my mom's birthday present, here. Oh, being a world traveler, my goal it is.
So as a tight-budget traveler, I considered the best "omiyage" or souvenir for myself are postcards. They're super cheap compare to key chain :P and not only for me, I can send them to my friends too. Fortunately, I have cool friends who love to have postcards sent to their mailboxes. They are okay with my handwritings and thousands of smiley face i put at end of the sentences.
The habit to send postcards during traveling was adopted from two of my Chinese friends, Zou Chen and Zou Yang who came to Indonesia last November. They went to South-East Asia for 2 weeks and sent postcards to their family from each country they visited.
They even sent me one from Vietnam, with background of Madonna Church in Ho Chi Minh city. They knew I was dying to go to Vietnam, so they sent me one, with stamped stamps. Oh, FYI, i LOVE stamps! I've been collecting them since I was a kid, More on this later in another post, kay? :)
So when I went to Australia, I sent my mom and some of my friends postcards of Sydney and Blue Mountains as souvenirs. I also bought myself one of them, with pictures of Jenolan Caves, one of the coolest place on earth. But again, it's a bit "mottainai" if it's blank and no stamps on it. So I begged my friend to write and send it to me with stamps later. And he did! Yeayyy! It's on my cabinet's door right now.
Yea, I put the postcards I received from my friends on a glass door of my cabinet. Because it's glass, so I can see it from two sides, back and front. If it came with envelope, I will keep it too, especially the handwritten one. I love to read them over and over again. I love to see their handwritings. I love the scratches they wrote when they made mistakes. Shortly, I realized people put more effort on writing postcards than email, because there is no copy-paste in here. I do LOVE that fact so much. A simple piece of paper but contents various feelings of the writer.
My fave part of a postcard or letter is the most bottom one, where the sender sign their names. I just love that part because it made the cards sooo special, like sent exclusively for me hahaha.
Lastly, i love every postcards people sent me, but there this right one I adore so much, because it's sooo creative. It's from my friend, Nan Nan. She went to India, and I begged her to send me a postcard if she can find one, but she was soo busy and didnt have time to go to post office. So instead, she printed one of her photo, the front view of Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai, one of the oldest hotel in India on a card-like paper, wrote at the back of it and mailed it to Indonesia!
I was too excited when I received it! She's a brainy! Hahaha
So yes, people, I am currently obsessed with letters and postcards. Doesn't matter what's the occasion, receiving a mail and opening an envelope are two of my all-time favorites!

Lots of love,
Dissa :*