A journey to Gili Genting: An undiscovered splendour of Madura
A plane flight to Surabaya is the
first thing you need to do to get closer to this island. Then, for about 4-5
hours, drive your car to Sumenep, Madura to get on a boat that will take you
for 45 minutes trip to the Gili Genting. Because there is only one boat every
hour, people bring everything, including their motorbikes or livestock, into
the boat. I even have shared a boat with ducks and cows one time!
One thing to note down: the boat
trip is shaky. It may be a bit scary, as people could get seasick or, as
sometimes the water splashed into the boat, you might think you will drown
anytime. However, the scenery, the clear blue view of Java Sea, and the sight
of fishermen sailing their colourful boats will get you very excited and
wondering what is waiting for you at the other side.
For people who expect luxury, this
is not the place, but for those who expect local atmosphere, Gili Genting
offers you its bests. Gili, coming from Maduranese word "Agili" means "to be floated" and genting is Indonesian for "roof". This island, looking like a floating roof, has a mosque, small shops, markets, and
houses of its people with wide sandy front yard. It really reminds you to a
typical fishermen village.
The port where the boat stops is a
rather small port, filled by couple of boats and people who are waiting. You
can listen to them talking in the local Maduranese dialect as soon as you get
off the boat. Indonesian is a foreign language here, but I soon found myself
emerged to the crowd. The people are very friendly, although they might sound
like they are angry. Don't worry, Maduranese dialect does that all the time
However, the highlight of the trip
surely is the beaches. Wait, which one? All of them! There are many beaches
around the island. There is one where the water is so shallow that you can keep
walking for 100 meters from the shore to the sea. There is also a beach filled
by many starfish, that you can pick them at dusk when the tide is low.

The first trip I took there was the
most memorable. I hired a local fishermen’ boat to show me a snorkelling spot,
if they have any. I was not expecting anything because Gili Genting was not
famous for its snorkel; in fact it is not a famous place at all. But I was
lucky that this place is not famous. It gives the island untouched marine life
splendour. I had a chance to see colourful corals and fishes. I saw a blue
starfish, greatly contrasted with a big green coral it rested on. Also, couple of
rainbow fish, or so I called them, because their bodies reflect rainbow colour
under the sun, liked to come around and checking on my pink swimming fins.
After the snorkelling, the
fishermen took me to the other part of the island. It has a sea-cave that is
very famous among the locals because of the myth. People belief that the cave
connects the whole island, so if you are going in from the north, you would end
up at the south of the island. Our boat sailed passes it. The waves were very
high and the surrounding was full of rocks. It is actually quite scary to think
as if someone would want to get in there and risking their lives.
Nevertheless, the island never
ceased to amaze me. Behind the cave, there is a small beach that I can say is
one of the most beautiful beaches in my life. The water was a gradient of green
to blue, the sand was crystal white and the depth of the water was perfect. Not
too deep to swim but not too shallow to jump into from a high rocky hill. Yes,
there was a quite high rocky hill that we could climb up to. The climb was hard
and exhausting, but the effort is nothing compared to what I could get at the
end. As soon as I reached the top, this full view of the beach greeted my eyes
and it was breathtaking.
As I was very astonished by the
beauty, I decided to take a jump and dived into the clear water. That was my
first dive ever and I am proud that I did it in Gili Genting.